Thursday, September 29, 2011

Blog Post #6

The networked Student
Before this video, I had not realized that certain students were taking the initiative to "teaching" themselves. Before when technology was not so apparent in classrooms, the teachers were the soul source of learning. Now with technology being everywhere we turn, teachers are seen as a guide. The more learning strategies the students are exposing themselves to, the more we as teachers need to stay a step ahead! Teachers need to stay up to date on the current technologies so that the students can benefit from it.
With the students being as responsible as they are and as eager, that is only going to strengthen them as individuals. I think that researching and finding new educational webistes on their own is teaching them to think for themselves. Rather than a teacher handing them the material on a silver platter, they are taking the initiative to the next level. I am all for students taking charge, but that only means my part will continuosly grow. I as a teacher will learn new ideas from students everyday, which is what I look forward to.
As far as being ready to service a networked student, I think that in time I will be up for the challenge. With this being my first year of the teaching major, I have already learned a cornucopia of useful webisites and resources. EDM 310 has exposed me to so many assets of the teaching profession. Even though networked students are full speed ahead on their work, they still need a guide to look to. As a technologically literate teacher in the future, I can only look forward to what my students can teach me as well as what valuable knowledge I can give to them.

A 7th Grader's PLE

Wow. The 7th grade sure has changed since I was there. We had huge textbooks, they have their own personal computer. I have to say, this student is organized to a T with her schoolwork. I personally like writing notes with pen and paper, while she saves hers to a bookmark where it is sent to the appropriate place on her computer. Technology has certainly grown in the 7 years when I was in 7th grade...These students seem much more technologically literate than I was at that age. After seeing how she has her computer organized it inspired me to create specific folders for my classes. This is an inspiring video from such a young girl!


  1. Hi, my name is Sarah. First I want to say that you are a great writer. Your blog post flows well and your points are clear. Secondly I agree that students should be expected to research for themselves. The students will feel proud of themselves and what they have accomplished. When a teacher hands a student all of the information that they will need for a class we have taken away their opportunity to grow and learn. They are just memorizing information. Thirdly I also agree that times have changed and kids are learning a lot more technology than ever. I was in 7th grade about 9 years ago and the only places that had a computer in my school was the library or school office. Things have defiantly changed for the better. I also agree that as teachers we have to be ahead of the game to be prepared to teach our children.

  2. Lindsey,

    I think it is so important to realize that teachers ARE NOT becoming obsolete! So, I am glad that you do - a few of your classmates seem to think that teachers are being degraded by becoming "guides" and "filters." On the contrary, I think that teachers are even more important now that information is so readily available. We have to be there to filter information and guide the students to find the best possible way to research topics and expand their PLNs. (Wasn't the PLN impressive! - puts me to shame!)


    Rebekah Lloyd
