Sunday, October 30, 2011

Blog Post #10

Do you Teach or Do you Educate? is a video that describes the difference between teaching and educating. I have always wanted to become an educator, and to insprire children is worth it all to me. Teaching children, in my opinion, is the minimum I could do. Being an educator involves so much more. When I shadowed my third grade teacher for a highschool club, she said one thing that will forever stick out in my mind. She said, "students are with their teachers 5 days a week, for several hours a day. You know these children inside and out pretty much." I took that as, you have to be a constant role model to these children. I want my future students to be able to be comfortable around me. Unfortunantly, some children will see their teachers more than they see their parents. As sad as that is, it is true. I want to be more than just a 3rd grade teacher to them, I want to better their lives in some way.
I fully intend on being an educator rather than a one-sided teacher. By one-sided, I mean that they just assign problems, read book chapters, and grade tests... yeah, that's it. Get it? I want to be so much more to my students. I want them to be excited to come to my class and to truly want to learn. I can be an educator by myself being enthused. Generic projects that have been around since your parents time won't be included in my curriculum if I can help it. I remember teachers who have done this with my class, and I now realize how much of an impact they have had on me. I am excited for my role not only as a teacher, but as an educator!

C4T#3 - 1

I was assigned to Jenna Bentley's blog this week. Her blog post was about the 'glass empty/glass full' type of people. I wrote back and mentioned that personally I though that I am the glass full person. I said that I am the first person to just breathe and take a step back when situations get overwhelming. She also mentioned a book Life of Pi in her post. From my interpretation, Pi is going through many tribulations with his life and what he wants from it. He believes in something greater and that is what is carrying him through those rough patches of life. I would like to read that book, I told her. Overall, her blog was so enjoyable to read!

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Blog Post #9

In Mr. McClung's post What I've learned This Year 2008-09 He talks about what to expect...and to completely forget it. He mentions how initially he thought it was all about him, the teacher. He soon realized that it is always 100% about the students. I've had teachers that just didn't want to teach that day and they just put in a movie for us. Okay, I admit it, I enjoyed it a few times, but seriously? How is that helping our education? I look back now an appreciate those teachers that pushed our class to meet it's full potential. For Mr. McClung to realize that it is not about the teacher, but rather the students, shows how he has grown in his teaching career.
In his other post, What I've Learned This Year 2010-11 I noticed that there was still the focus on 'student centered' learning. I am impressed by Mr. McClung's mentality as a teacher! He seems like a very hands on type of teacher, and from what I read from his blogs, any student would be lucky to have him to call their teacher. In this post he also mentions that he tries daily to maintain a positive outlook. Have you ever had one of those teachers that is just in a sour mood constantly? and you feel like you can't ask them questions without getting their wrath? Mr. McClung seems the complete opposite of that! Mr. McClung has grown in so many ways as an educator and I know that his students appreciate all of his efforts.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Blog Post #8

This Is How We Dream Parts 1 and 2 based on the Internet and how much it affects us every single day. Imagine life today without Internet...for any question we have, 99% of people search the Internet. I bet that if the Internet was not around tomorrow, people would not know what to do with themselves. The Internet keeps people in sync with life outside of their own "bubble." We learn the majority of things from the Internet and it is only going to get more and more advanced.
I believe that I am prepared for multimedia. I get some really fantastic ideas from the Internet everyday. The Internet is constantly expanding, and I try my best to keep up with it. It is a tool that not only can help myself, but it will help my future as a teacher. There are millions of projects for students, teaching methods, and advice for brand new teachers, that yes, are ALL found on the Internet.
I will be teaching elementary students, so their knowledge of the Internet will be less than a college students, of course. The students will absolutely be mindful of the Internet. I can incorporate youtube clips into my lesson for that day, or I can provide them with an internet website to help them practice that week's voacbulary words. I think that if they are exposed to the Internet at an early age, they are way ahead of the game. We as teachers are responsible for giving our students every possibility of succeeding and the Internet is that main source.

Carly Pugh's Blog Post #8is so original! She nailed Dr. Miller's philosophy right on the head. For her to think so outside of the box on this assignment, she is going to be one successful teacher to many luck children. Her ideas will surely get people more inthused about teaching than they already are. Literature is not usually an exciting topic to most, but having students get creative with the videos they find benefits them in numerous ways. Carly's ideas I think would certainly fit perfectly into the classroom.

The Chipper Seriesand EDM310 For Dummiesvideos perfectly depict EDM310. This class is very hard to keep up with if you are a procastinator, like Chipper. The Chipper Series can very well happen. She decided that she wanted to do things her way, which meant doing the bare minimum and dropping out of school. She finally gets it through her head that she needed to change. In EDM310 For Dummies, it shows how frustrating students get with this class. I wish the book mentioned in the video was real!
If I were to create a video, I would definitely give adivce and pointers to all the new comers to EDM310. My video would hopefully ease the panicking minds of those students.

Learning to Change, Changing to Learn is a video that I think all should watch, especially those who believe technology is not necessary in the classroom. "Technology is not really a choice." is a quote that was mentioned, and it could not be any more right. Stop resisting technology! The commentors on this video were educators from all over, stating opinions on how technology should be in the classrooms more. I believe that they are right. The teaching methods that have been around for years, need to be updated and technology is only going to improve the methods exponentially.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

C4K #6

I was assigned to Kabie this week. Her blogpost was on not eating. She thought that if she didn't eat that she would lose weight. I responded back to her saying that you have got to eat for your body to be able to run. Food is essential for doing daily tasks. I also told her that if she liked to run, she could run around her neighborhood. I ended my comment by wishing her the best of luck.

The second kid I randomly picked was Anthony. His post was on how easy his science test was, and how it involved density. I responded saying that I am glad that he thought his test was easy and that he deserved to get an A. He also mentioned that he is conducting an experiment on how long it takes the Earth to rotate. I told him that I am curious to see how his expermient turns out, and that he wrote a great blogpost.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

PLN Project #10

For my PLN my Symbaloo consists of Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Youtube, Blogger, and the clothing store, Urban Outfitters. It is all so convenient to have all of my most used websites in one place. The websites that I have now are the basics for everyday. I will probably add Wikipedia and Google to my list.
The social websites are all necessary to my life, Facebook is one of the ways I keep in touch with my family from different states. Twitter is where I follow my favorite celebrities and also where I keeo close with family members. Pinterest is a new obsession that I just got introduced to. Basically, you look at people's pictures that they have posted to inspire you for art ideas, clothing styles, or recipes. Anything yu can think of, it is on Pinterest. As far as Youtube, I subscribe to many "beauty gurus" that make videos informing their subscribers about skincare, new makeup brands that they love, and tutorials. Urban Outfitters is where I like to shop online. They have numerous clothing styles that I really enjoy and it is nice for them to be one click away with Symbaloo.

Instructional Timeline #9b

Blog Post #7

Randy Pausch's Last Lecture video was really eye opening to me as a student. I did not know previously to this video that Mr. Pausch had passed away. He seems so high spirited in this video, that one would never know that he was battling cancer. We need more people like Mr. Pausch in the world of education. So many aspiring teachers get distraught over the little things and I think that Mr. Pausch's mentality could be inspiring.
This video was full of inspirational quotes. My favorite was, "When you're screwing up and no body's saying anything to you anymore, that means they've given up." That could not be any truer. Mr. Pausch's coach was there to push him and make him angry at him for a reason, to make him a better player. Sometimes tough love is what can make or break a person. Even though Mr. Pausch did not actually get to play in the NFL, he mentioned that he got more valuable knowledge out of it. It may not be what he expected, but out of it he got something of more value to him.
randy pausch
One of the other quotes that really got to me was, "Brick walls are there for a reason, they let us prove how badly we want things." Nothing in life comes on a silver platter (for most people) so, we've got to work for it. Working for it only makes us appreciate it that much more. If obstacles get in your way, and they most certainly will, persevering through can only mean the best is yet to come. Mr. Pausch made it very clear to the audience that pushing through is what you have got to do.
When Randy Pausch wanted to be an imagineer, Disney kindly sent back the nicest "go to hell" letter, he said. That ties in with the brick wall scenario. Mr. Pausch said that that brick wall is there to keep people out who don't want it badly enough. I can not agree more. Sure, all kinds of people woulve love to be an imagineer, but those who want it badly enough are the ones who will actually work towards that goal.