Wednesday, October 12, 2011

C4K #6

I was assigned to Kabie this week. Her blogpost was on not eating. She thought that if she didn't eat that she would lose weight. I responded back to her saying that you have got to eat for your body to be able to run. Food is essential for doing daily tasks. I also told her that if she liked to run, she could run around her neighborhood. I ended my comment by wishing her the best of luck.

The second kid I randomly picked was Anthony. His post was on how easy his science test was, and how it involved density. I responded saying that I am glad that he thought his test was easy and that he deserved to get an A. He also mentioned that he is conducting an experiment on how long it takes the Earth to rotate. I told him that I am curious to see how his expermient turns out, and that he wrote a great blogpost.

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